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Inmate Testimonies

My name is C.B. and I am a graduate of the prison Bible college program.  I am out of prison now and am faithfully attending church.  I am getting ready to go into full-time evangelism and have been working on a web page to aid believers.  The Bible college taught me the Scriptures so thoroughly and expounded with such authority using so many Scripture references that I had to convert from ultra-liberalism to Biblical Christianity.  As a thanks to what you men have done in offering me a free education that has completely altered my life, I wish to pass along the same knowledge.  -C.B.

Hello, my name is B.D. and my son is taking your Bible courses and wishes to continue them after he comes home soon.  The incarceration has been God�s blessing on his life and we are ever grateful to our Lord for saving our son from himself.  He has had a crash-course in your Biblical studies and has fallen in love with Jesus.  Thanks ever so much and God bless your ministry.  -B.D.

 ï¿½I am in agreement and am excited about this study.  It is sound doctrine to live by and obviously sticks to what Scripture teaches.  -T.C. 

I was doing a word study on the 8 deadly sins listed in Rev. 21:8 a few months back.  When I got to the word �sorcery,� I thought I was safe from being guilty on that one, until I found out what that one meant.  The Holy Spirit brought to my mind the exact implications brought out in this study!  What verification!  Praise God!  -J. L.                

I am very excited about moving forward in this study.  From just the orientation unit, I can see how thorough this course, which is what I was seeking.  I thank you greatly and pray for blessings upon you for this chance to get deeper knowledge of my Heavenly Father.  -D.D.

My faith is strengthened each day and I hope to become more knowledgeable of God and His Son ( my Saviour) by studying this course and staying in �His Word� and mercy.  I thank Jesus for your guidance.  Amen.  -L.R.N.

I thank God that I am saved by the blood of Jesus.  My life is only on hold while God is changing this old 54 year man into a child of God, making me ready to do His will.  Praise be to God and my thanks to you for allowing me to partake in this strong Bible class.  -C.B.

Due to events and circumstances beyond my control and my disobedience to God and His calling, I strayed away from the path I believe God called me to follow.  Now I have been given the opportunity and time to study and grow in God�s Word through this Bible College.  Now I can equip myself to spread God�s Word.  -T.D.

Chaplain Testimonies

I am very grateful for the opportunity to have a Bible college operating here at S.F.R.C.  I am honored to be a part of this phenomenal program.  The inmates are equally excited.  We have about 15 inmates that signed up with Chaplain T.  Others are inquiring daily.  I will keep you informed of our progress.  Thanks for allowing our assistant to enroll in this wonderful program.  God bless you and your team.  -Chaplain F.

Thought I would let you know that things are going well with the college in Missouri. The course has been a help to the men. Thanks for all you do.  -Chaplain J.R.G.

 We have had the Bible school studies at EMCF since Jan. 2002. In that time around 300 offenders have enrolled and completed most of the units. They are excited to come to class each time it is offered. They are studious, disciplined and focused. Their Bible classes are the highlight of their week. They come with smiles on their faces and a Bible in their hand. Of all the offenders who have completed the entire program and have been discharged back to society not one has returned. I believe that speaks for itself. A Bible based program is essential in a prison setting if we are to change offenders into God fearing, law abiding citizens.
-Chaplain J. N.

Administrator�s Testimonies

You are currently providing the Bible College material in some of our Florida Faith-Based Dormitories. The Chaplains are very happy with the results. The men enjoy the studies and are learning about themselves as well as increasing their spiritual knowledge. I believe that changes in their beliefs will also be reflected in their lifestyle. Once a person acknowledges the existence of God they also acknowledge their responsibility to God. Your Bible classes are helping to build a solid foundation of moral values that will keep these men and women out of prison. I would like to know if we could also make the studies available to more Chaplains at other State Facilities.  -D.L.G.   Chaplaincy Services Specialist

I�ve seen a 180-degree change in the inmates enrolled in this program.  It�s been a big plus for our facility.   -Security Warden

This program is a great tool for inmates that want to improve their life.  -Director of Education

We believe in this program as evidenced by the fact that we have 260 inmates enrolled, one entire building. 
-Assistant Warden of Programs


�2008 Foundation Ministries' Prison Bible School
Prison Bible School P.O. Box 311974 Enterprise, AL 36331
334-503-9860   |

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